Tuesday, September 25, 2007

human ralations..................only humanrelationse....................not related to money................!

I tour to various nook and corners of the villages as a part of my Government job where i got much scope to observe the rural india. my father was an ayurvedic doctor .In my child hood i got the opportunity to observe several villagers who used to come to my father's clinic for treatment. and they used to stay in our house along with us... Now i am able to understand... may be that was a course of treatment for a period of forty days to three months ,. like that .I was too young to understand that they were not our family members and we used to call them as attaiah garu(aunt) and mamaiah garu(uncle)....my mom also used to treat them with affection but not as patients and she used to call them as vadina garu(sister in law) and annaiah garu(Brother).. when they got cured and leaving to their village , they used to pay very little amount in cash and lot of affection in their words ..................................during my tour i visited one villagers family. they offered me lunch repeatedly........i had no reason to reject... and went for lunch. during our discussions they came to know abt my father and felt very happy knowing that i happend to be his daughter....................i understood..........it was only my father's earning. .a smile...on my lips...........if it is not exagaration after abt 40 years passed.my father is no more and also some of the patients are also passed away, still their genarations remember our father,mother and their services. ...an unknown feeling in my heart.....two drops of tears came out witnessing my feeling in token to their human value. where is it today.............i questioned myself...........mmmmmmmmmm

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